(Both HYPOTHYROIDISM nd HYPERTHYROIDISM) Young females due to ignorance fall prey to the allopathic drugs in the initial stages of Thyroid problem even when there is no requirement of any medicine and ends up with life long allopathic medicines along with its sideeffects. I have come up with certain homoeopathic formulations with my 20 years of experience which will slowly reduce the dose of allopathic medicines and a time will come when allopathic meddicine will be totally removed from the system and now you are completely on Homoeopathic medicines. Now the actual treatment will start into action and you will see that slowly you will get rid of Homoeopathic medicine altogether

The THYROID PACKAGE constitutes :

1. Three months complete medicine.
2. Complete guidance for Diet and Management regarding your THYROID problem
3. In this package, i have the liberty to manipulate medicine according to your requirement
4. Free consultation both mobile and text for maximum number of times in those 3 months
5. The package will cost you Rs 4500 for 3 months medicine