Homeopathic Treatment

Gupta Homoeo Clinic

Gupta Homoeo Clinic was Established in September 1996 with an aim to provide affordable and world class Homoeopathic treatment. As a child my parents used to give me various kinds of Allopathic medicines even for minor problems and I have to face the aftereffects/side effects of those medicines for long time. When I was mature enough ,I gave a thought that if our body immune system can heal more than 90% of problems on its own, then why we all are running for allopathic medicines for minor problems.

I always thought of a way out and from there I came up with an idea to Adopt Homoeopathy as profession because Homoeopathy medicine has no side effect and secondly these homoeo medicines just ignite our immune system to cure a particular disease and once our immune system starts working in healing that particular disease for which homoeo med is given, there is no further requirement of homoeopathic med thereafter and body will heal of the remaining disease by itself thus resulting in absolutely no side /Aftereffects.

I dont condemn Allopathic treatment because Allopathic treatment is good in its own way but now a days this has evolved as a bussiness rather than a noble profession with no feelings for poor and needy people..

Our Motive

My motive to give Homoeopathic treatment to patients way not just to give medicine but also to give moral and emotional support because I am of the strong belief that with proper psychological support to someone needy, recovery is very fast and I have seen thousands of such examples in my 25 years of practise.

Now with experience of almost 25 years , I can say that my decision to adopt Homoeopathy as a profession was 100% correct and my aim of providing Technical Homoeopathic treatment to treat patients in very short and effective way with 100% efficacy is achieved.