There are many reasons for baldness and one of the reasons is Heriditary factor. So you have a strong tendency of going bald in future. There is no diagnosis for this but one thing you can do for retaining your hairs for long is to take proper care of your hairs and being a homoeopath I will guide you properly with some very effective and cost economical homoeopathic treatment. Consult me.

I have developed my own Internal nd external medicines nd oils for treatment of Baldness and the way of Treatment is Both Medicinal as well as MECHANICAL.


1. 3 months medicines, 1 Shampoo and 1 oil quantity 100 ML
2. Proper Management for 3 months - both diet as well as medicines
3. Free Consultation on Mobile for 3 months
4. This package will cost you Rs 9000 for 3 months